
Accessibility is the degree to which anyone can access and use a website. A fully accessible site is one that is designed to make use of the latest web technologies, such as multimedia, while at the same time accommodating the needs of those who have difficulty with or are unable to use these technologies.

It has been a legal requirement for UK websites to be accessible since 1999. Since then all websites have been expected to make “reasonable adjustments” to ensure their websites accommodate all users regardless of ability, disability. Every effort has been made to ensure this website is fully accessible for all viewers whether with disabilities or not, easy to use and viewable in every browser or equivalent technology. All pages on this site should be valid Hyper Text Mark-up Language 5 (HTML 5) and use Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). This ensures that the site will render correctly in current and future browsers. Maintaining an accessible site is an ongoing process and we are continually working to offer a user friendly experience. However, if you have any problems using this web site please contact us.
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